Friday, July 3, 2020

Make Sure Your Application is Working For You!

document.createElement('audio'); Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | TuneIn | SpotifyIn an exclusive interview with†¦ well, herself, Linda Abraham shares some advice that she’s learned over the course of almost two decades of application essay editing. Listen to the full recording of this excellent episode to learn concrete steps you can take right now to ensure that your essays are working for –and not against –you. 00:01:22 – The three goals of an application essay and how to make sure your essays realize them. 00:02:55 – Is your resume hiding you? (The mistake of friends’ children children’s friends.) 00:05:24 – How to evaluate each of your essays individually: Know if you need to rewrite before you submit, not after you are rejected. 00:07:57 – You may not like this, but proofing is vital. Here are the three critical steps to proofing when you think you can’t proof anymore.   Subscribe to  Admissions Straight Talk  in iTunes so you don’t miss any segments! Stay in the admissions know. *Theme music is courtesy of Relevant Links: †¢   Accepted Services Section †¢   MBA Admissions 101 †¢   Med School  Admissions 101 †¢   Grad School  Admissions 101 †¢   Law School  Admissions 101 †¢   College  Admissions 101 Most Popular Shows: †¢   Ã‚  MBA Video Essays: A Conversation with Rotman’s Niki da Silva †¢   Ã‚  Case Interview Secrets and More with Victor Cheng †¢   Ã‚  Dr. Douglas Stayman Shares the Scoop on Cornell Tech NYC †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Interview with SoFi Co-Founder,  Daniel Macklin †¢   Ã‚  Interview with Duke Fuqua’s Sheryle Dirks Subscribe: